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Numerical Grids
Numerical Grid Generation : Foundations and Applications
Joe F. Thompson, Z. U. A. Warsi and C. W. Mastin
North Holland, 1985
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In this text, grid generation and the use thereof in numerical solutions of partial equations are both discussed. The entire text is now available online.
Handbook of Grid Generation
Joe F. Thompson, Bharat Soni, Nigel P. Weatherrill
CRC Press, 1998
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Handbook of Grid Generation addresses the use of grids (meshes) in the numerical solutions of partial differential equations by finite elements, finite volume, finite differences, and boundary elements. Four parts divide the chapters: structured grids, unstructured grids, surface definition, and adaptation/quality. An introduction to each section provides a roadmap through the material.
-- CRC Press
Computational Grids : Generation, Adaptation, and Solution Strategies
Series in Computational and Physical Processes in Mechanics and Thermal Science
Graham F. Carey
Taylor & Francis, 1997
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Treats grid generation, adaptive refinement, and redistribution techniques, developed together with supporting mathematical, algorithmic, and software concepts. Efficient solution strategies that exploit grid hierarchies are also described and analyzed. Emphasis is on fundamental ideas, but presentation includes practical guidelines for designing and implementing grid strategies, as well as material on current research in parallel computing, superconvergence, accuracy pollution, and moving boundaries. Includes worked examples and exercises. For use in graduate courses and in courses for industry professionals.
-- Book News, Inc., Portland, Or.
Modeling, Mesh Generation, and Adaptive Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations
I. Babuska, J.E. Flaherty, W.D. Henshaw, J.E. Hopcroft, J.E. Oliger, T. Tezduyar (Editors)
Springer-Verlag, 1995
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With considerations such as complex-dimensional geometries and nonlinearity, the computational solution of partial differential systems has become so involved that it is important to automate decisions that have been normally left to the individual. This book covers such decisions: 1) mesh generation with links to the software generating the domain geometry, 2) solution accuracy and reliability with mesh selection linked to solution generation. This book is suited for mathematicians, computer scientists and engineers and is intended to encourage interdisciplinary interaction between the diverse groups.
-- Springer-Verlag
Fundamentals of Grid Generation
Patrick Knupp and Stanly Steinberg
Books Britain, 1993
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Multiblock grid generation
Results of the EC/BRITE-EURAM project EUROMESH, 1990-1992
Nigel P. Weatherrill, D. A. King, Michael J. Marchant
Vieweg, 1993
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Describes the work and results of two-years of research by representatives of six aeronautics companies, three universities, and five research institutes from seven EC and EFTA countries. A contribution to computational fluid dynamics, which is applied primarily in the aeronautics industry. The reports cover topological generation, surface grid generation and geometry modelling, volume grid generation, and grid optimization and adaptation methods. Reproduced from typescripts. No index. Distributed by Ballen.
-- Book News, Inc. Portland, Or.
Numerical Grid Generation in Computational Fluid Dynamics and Related Fields
Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Numerical Grid Generation
A.S. Arcilla, J. Hauser, P.R. Eiseman, J.F. Thompson (Editor)
North-Holland, 1991
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Mathematical Aspects of Numerical Grid Generation
Frontiers in Applied Mathematics, No 8
Jose E. Castillo (Editor)
Society for Industrial & Applied Mathematics, 1991
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Numerical grid generation plays a critical role in any scientific computing problem when the geometry of the underlying region is complex or when the solution has a complex structure. The mathematical aspects of grid generation are discussed to provide a deeper understanding of the algorithms and their limitations. Variational methods are emphasized because they are more robust, but elliptic and transcendental algebraic methods are also considered.
-- Society for Industrial & Applied Mathematics
Numerical grid generation frequently plays a central role in complex numerical modeling problems. Strangely, essentially none of the important methods have been analyzed mathematically. This volume is an excellent start in correcting that situation.
-- Stanly L. Steinberg, Mathematical Reviews
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