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Numerical Methods
Efficient Solvers for Incompressible Flow Problems
An Algorithmic and Computational Approach
Stefan Turek
Springer-Verlag, 1999
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This book discusses recent numerical and algorithmic tools for the solution of certain flow problems arising in Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), which are governed by the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. It contains several of the latest results for the numerical solution of (complex) flow problems on modern computer platforms. Particular emphasis is put on the solution process of the resulting high dimensional discrete systems of equations which is often neglected in other works. Together with the included CD ROM which contains the complete FEATFLOW 1.1 software and parts of the "Virtual Album of Fluid Motion", which is a "Movie Gallery" with lots of MPEG videos, the interested reader is enabled to perform his own numerical simulations or he may find numerous suggestions for improving his own computational simulations.
-- Springer-Verlag
Computational Partial Differential Equations
Numerical Methods and Diffpack Programming
H.P. Langtangen
Springer-Verlag, 1999
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The target audience of this book is students and researchers in computational sciences who need to develop computer codes for solving partial differential equations. The exposition is focused on numerics and software related to mathematical models in solid and fluid mechanics. The book teaches finite element methods, and basic finite difference methods from a computational point of view. The main emphasis regards development of flexible computer programs, using the numerical library Diffpack. The application of Diffpack is explained in detail for problems including model equations in applied mathematics, heat transfer, elasticity, and viscous fluid flow. Diffpack is a modern software development environment based on C++ and object-oriented programming. All the program examples, as well as a test version of Diffpack, are available for free over the Internet.
-- Springer-Verlag
Numerical Methods for Engineers and Scientists
Joe D. Hoffman
McGraw-Hill, 1992
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This text is designed for a junior-senior level elective course taken by a large number of engineering students from Mechanical, Civil and Electrical Engineering. The objective of the book is to introduce the engineer and scientist to numerical methods that can be used to solve the equations that govern physical processes.
-- McGraw-Hill
Eccomas '96 : Numerical Methods in Engineering
Jacques Periaux
John Wiley & Sons, 1996
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The European Community on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences (ECCOMAS) has been created with the aim of providing an intense co-ordination of international scientific conferences and other activities in the field of Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. The main objective of the joint conferences on Computational Fluid Dynamics and Numerical Methods in Engineering is to provide a common forum for the presentation and discussion of state-of-the-art in Scientific Computing applied to Engineering Sciences. Equal emphasis is to be given to basic methodologies, scientific developments, and industrial applications.
-- John Wiley & Sons
Conservative Finite-Difference Methods on General Grids
Symbolic and Numeric Computation Series
Mikhail Shashkov, Stanly Steinberg (Editor)
CRC Press, 1996
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This new book deals with the construction of finite-difference (FD) algorithms for three main types of equations: elliptic equations, heat equations, and gas dynamic equations in Lagrangian form. These methods can be applied to domains of arbitrary shapes. The construction of FD algorithms for all types of equations is done on the basis of the support-operators method (SOM). This method constructs the FD analogs of main invariant differential operators of first order such as the divergence, the gradient, and the curl. This book is unique because it is the first book not in Russian to present the support-operators ideas.
-- CRC Press
Numerical Approximation of Hyperbolic Systems of Conservation Laws
Applied Mathematical Sciences, Vol 118
Edwige Godlewski, Pierre-Arnaud Raviart (Contributor)
Springer-Verlag, 1996
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This work is devoted to the theory and approximation of nonlinear hyperbolic systems of conservation laws in one or two spaces variables. It follows directly a previous publication on hyperbolic systems of conservation laws by the same authors. While in the earlier publication, the authors concentrate on the mathematical theory of multidimensional scalar conservation laws, in this work, they consider systems and the theoretical aspects which are needed in the applications, such as the solution of the Riemann problem and further insights into more sophisticated problems.
-- Springer-Verlag
Computational Fluid Dynamics on Parallel Systems
Siegfried Wagner
Friedrich Vieweg & Sohn, 1995
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Advances in Computational Methods in Fluid Dynamics
Fluid Engineering Division Conference Series Vol 196
K. N. Ghia (Editor)
American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1994
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Algorithmic Trends in Computational Fluid Dynamics
Icase/Nasa Larc Series
M.Y. Hussaini, A. Kumar, M.D. Salas
Springer-Verlag, 1993
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Numerical Methods for Advection-Diffusion Problems
Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 45
C.B. Vreugdenhil and B. Koren (Editors)
Vieweg, Braunschweig, 1993
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Numerical Methods for Conservation Laws
Lectures in Mathematics
LeVeque, Randall J.
Birkhauser Verlag, 1992
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Notes developed for a graduate-level course on the theory and numerical solution of nonlinear hyperbolic systems of conservation laws, particularly for problems involving shock waves.
-- Book News, Inc. Portland, Or.
Computational Methods in Applied Sciences
Special Technological Sessions of the First European Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference and the First European Conference on Numerical Methods in Engineering, Brussels, 7-11 September 1992
Ch Hirsch, Jacques Periaux, E. Osnate
Elsevier Science, 1992
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Numerical solutions of the Euler equations for steady flow problems
Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics ; v. 34.
Albrecht Eberle
Informatic, 1991
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A survey of numerical solution methods for the Euler equations of fluid flow, focusing on finite-volume methods, both with central and with upwind differencing. Discussed in depth are the properties of the Euler equations, fundamentals of discrete solution methods, the finite-volume concept, centered differencing, principles of upwinding, and convergence to steady state. Emphasis is on the modeling of vortex flows. A large number of practical application examples demonstrate the versatility and the potential of present-day Euler methods in science and industry. Acidic paper.
-- Book News, Inc. Portland, Or.
Numerical Computation of Internal and External Flows, Volume 1 Fundamentals of Numerical Discretization
Wiley Series in Numerical Methods in Engineering
C. Hirsch
John Wiley & Sons, 1990
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The two volumes in this series are devoted to the numerical modeling of fluid flows. The first volume covers the fundamentals of numerical discretization techniques and describes all the steps in the definition and development of a numerical simulation. The second volume complements the first by dealing with the application of computational methods to the problems of fluid dynamics. Together, the two volumes provide an excellent reference source for practitioners and researchers working in computational fluid dynamics. The series will also be useful in courses in computational fluid dynamics, providing comprehensive coverage and including discussion of the equations used and the circumstances in which they are suitable; the numerical techniques used and their solutions and methods for producing computer programs. Features end-of-chapter problems and comprehensive reference lists.
-- John Wiley & Sons
Numerical Computation of Internal and External Flows, Volume 2 Computational Methods for Inviscid and Viscous Flows
Wiley Series in Numerical Methods in Eng
C. Hirsch
John Wiley & Sons, 1990
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The two volumes in this series are devoted to the numerical modeling of fluid flows. The first volume covers the fundamentals of numerical discretization techniques and describes all the steps in the definition and development of a numerical simulation. The second volume complements the first by dealing with the application of computational methods to the problems of fluid dynamics. Together, the two volumes provide an excellent reference source for practitioners and researchers working in computational fluid dynamics. The series will also be useful in courses in computational fluid dynamics, providing comprehensive coverage and including discussion of the equations used and the circumstances in which they are suitable; the numerical techniques used and their solutions and methods for producing computer programs. Features end-of-chapter problems and comprehensive reference lists.
-- John Wiley & Sons
Initial-Boundary Value Problems and the Navier-Stokes Equations
Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol 136
Heinz-Otto Kreiss and Jens Lorenz
Academic Press, 1989
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Numerical Methods for Fluid Dynamics III
K. W. Morton, M. J. Baines (Editor)
Oxford University Press, 1989
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Papers of the March 1988 meeting in Oxford, UK. It is the third conference in a sub-series on techniques of numerical analysis in fluid dynamics. Mathematicians, engineers, and other scientists in the field of computational aerodynamics and fluid dynamics review recent advances in mathematical and computational techniques for modelling fluid flows. The three main themes treated in this volume are numerical algorithms, grid generation techniques, and unsteady flows. Previous volumes in the series were published by Academic Press.
-- Book News, Inc. Portland, Or.
Numerical Methods for Fluid Dynamics II
K. W. Morton, M. J. Baines (Editor)
Oxford University Press, 1986
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The contributors to this volume address problems of computer modelling and equation solving, discuss the most effective algorithms to use, and describe the efficiency to expect in solving large systems of equations pertaining to fluid dynamics.
Numerical Methods in Fluid Dynamics - Initial and Initial Boundary-Value Problems
Gary A. Sod
Cambridge University Press, 1985
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A graduate-level textbook on numerical methods for partial differential equations that has particular application to fluid dynamics and serves as a useful reference for researchers in the field.
Numerical Methods for Fluid Dynamics
K. W. Morton, M. J. aines (Editor)
Academic Press, 1982
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Finite Element Method
Incompressible Flow and the Finite Element Method : Advection-Diffusion and Isothermal Laminar Flow
R.L. Sani, P. M. Gresho
John Wiley & Sons, 1998
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This self-contained book examines the applications of the finite element method to incompressible flows. It discusses theoretical background and methods development as well as the solution of a wide range of incompressible flows.
-- John Wiley & Sons
Finite Elements in Fluids
Series in Computational and Physical Processes in Mechanics and Thermal Sciences
T.J. Chung (Editor)
Hemisphere Publishing, 1992
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The selections in this book are the cutting edge of knowledge in finite-element methodology and application, representing a major contribution to the field. Presented here are 19 invited lectures and expanded versions of selected papers from the Seventh International Conference on Finite-Element Methods in Flow Problems. An invaluable resource, this book will be of particular interest to researchers in fluid dynamics, combustion, applied mathematics, and chemical and aerospace engineering.
-- Hemisphere Publishing
The Finite Element Method in Heat Transfer and Fluid Dynamics
J. N. Reddy and D. K. Gartling
C. R. C. Press, 1994
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Finite Element Methods for Fluids
Olivier Pironeau
John Wiley & Sons, 1989
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Introduces the formulation of problems in fluid mechanics and dynamics, and shows how they can be analyzed and resolved using finite element methods. This practical book also discusses the equations of fluid mechanics and investigates the problems to which these equations can be applied, as well as how they can be analyzed and solved. Contains illustrations of computer simulations using the methods described in the book and features numerous illustrations.
-- John Wiley & Sons
Finite Element Methods for Viscous Incompressible Flows : A Guide to Theory, Practice, and Algorithms
Computer Science and Scientific Computing
Max D. Gunzburger
Academic Printers, 1989
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Finite Element Computational Fluid Mechanics
Series in computational methods in mechanics and thermal sciences
A. J. Baker
McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1983
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Multigrid Methods
Multigrid Methods
Pitman Research Notes in Mathematics, No. 294
James H. Bramble
Longman Pub Group, 1993
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This Research Note presents old and new results concerning the rates of convergence of multigrid iterations. The first part contains an abstract multigrid theory and its connection with general linear and nonlinear iterative methods. Several sections are devoted to important, typical applications. An emphasis is placed on how the latest results can influence the design of effective, robust techniques.
-- Book News, Inc. Portland, Or.
An Introduction to Multigrid Methods
Pieter Wesseling
John Wiley & Sons, 1992
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Introduces the principles, techniques, applications and literature--both current and historical--of multigrid methods. Aimed at an audience with non-mathematical but computing-intensive disciplines and basic knowledge of analysis, partial differential equations and numerical mathematics, it is packed with helpful exercises, examples and illustrations.
-- John Wiley & Sons
Multigrid Tutorial
William L. Briggs
Society for Industrial & Applied Mathematics, 1987
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Assuming little familiarity with basic iterative methods and no acquaintance with multigrid, this tutorial begins from first principles. First, conventional relaxation methods applied to systems of linear equations are analyzed, since an understanding of their convergence properties and limitations is essential to multigrid. Second, the fundamental two-grid cycling scheme is discussed, leading to the introduction of the necessary intergrid transfer functions. The standard multigrid schemes are then presented. This tutorial concludes with an explanation of "why multigrid works."
-- Society for Industrial & Applied Mathematics
Finite Element Analysis of Non-Newtonian Flow : Theory and Software
Hou-Cheng Huang, Zheng-Hua Li, Asif S. Usmani
Springer-Verlag, 1999
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A follow on from the author's work "Finite Elements in Heat Transfer" which we published 11/94, and which is a powerful CFD programme that will run on a PC. The fluid flow market is larger than the previous, and this package is good value in comparison with other software packages in Computational Fluid Dynamics, which are generally very expensive. The work in general copes with non-Newtonian laminar flow using the finite element method, and some basic theory of the subject is included in the opening chapters of the book.
-- Springer-Verlag
The Least-Squares Finite Element Method : Theory and Applications in Computational Fluid Dynamics and Electromagnetics
Bo-Nan Jiang
Springer-Verlag, 1998
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Here is a comprehensive introduction to the least-squares finite element method (LSFEM) for numerical solution of PDEs. It covers the theory for first-order systems, particularly the div-curl and the div-curl-grad system. Then LSFEM is applied systematically to permissible boundary conditions for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations, to show that the divergence equations in the Maxwell equations are not redundant, and to derive equivalent second-order versions of the Navier-Stokes equations and the Maxwell equations. LSFEM is simple, efficient and robust, and can solve a wide range of problems in fluid dynamics and electromagnetics, including incompressible viscous flows, rotational inviscid flows, low-Mach-number compressible flows, two-fluid and convective flows, scattering waves, etc.
-- Springer-Verlag
Finite Element Methods for Navier-Stokes Equations: Theory and Algorithms
Springer Series in Computational Mathematics, Vol 5
Vivette Girault and Pierre-Arnaud Raviart
Springer Velag, 1986
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Boundary Element Methods
Boundary Element Analysis of Viscous Flow
Lecture Notes in Engineering, Vol 55
K. Kitagawa
Springer-Verlag, 1990
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Boundary Element Techniques : Applications in Fluid Flow and Computational Aspects
Topics in Engineering Series
C.A. Brebbia, W.S. Venturini (Editor)
Computational Mechanics, 1987
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Boundary Element Methods in Fluid Dynamics II
H. Power, C.A. Brebbis, D.B. Ingham (Editor)
Computational Mechanics, 1994
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Boundary Elements XV: Fluid Flow and Computational Aspects
J. J. Rencis, C. A. Brebbia (Editors)
Computational Mechanics, 1993
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Boundary Elements in Fluid Dynamics
Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Modelling of Seas and Coastal Regions and Boundary Elements
C.A. Brebbia, P.W. Partridge (Editor)
Routledge, 1992
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Boundary Element Methods in Nonlinear Fluid Dynamics
Developments in Boundary Element Methods, No 6
P.K. Banerjee, Morino. L. (Editor)
Elsevier Applied Science, 1990
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Boundary Element Techniques : Applications in Fluid Flow and Computational Aspects
Topics in Engineering Series
C.A. Brebbia, W.S. Venturini (Editor)
Computational Mechanics, 1987
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Boundary Elements in Fluid Dynamics
Editors: C.A. Brebbia and P.W. Partridge
Elsevier Science Ltd, 1992
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Boundary Integral Methods
Boundary Integral Methods in Fluid Mechanics
H. Power, L.C. Wrobel
Computational Mechanics, 1995
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Brings together classical and recent developments on the application of integral equation numerical techniques for the solution of fluid dynamic problems. The particular technique adopted is the boundary element method (BEM), which is recognized as one of the most efficient numerical methods to solve boundary value problems. The first part of the volume reviews the fundamental principles and equations governing the fluid motion, and the second part presents formulations and applications of BEM as the basis for numerical solution of inviscid and viscous flow problems.
-- Book News, Inc. Portland, Or.
Boundary Integral and Singularity Methods for Linearized Viscous Flow
Cambridge Texts in Applied Mathematics, No. 8
C. Pozrikidis
Cambridge University Press, 1992
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In addition to theory, this study focuses on practical application and computer implementation in a coherent introduction to boundary integrals, boundary element and singularity methods for steady and unsteady flow at zero Reynolds number.
Integral Transforms in Computational Heat and Fluid Flow
Renato Machado Cotta
CRC Press, 1994
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Integral Transforms in Computational Heat and Fluid Flow is a comprehensive volume that emphasizes the Generalized Integral Transform Technique (G.I.T.T.) and the developments that have made the technique a powerful computational tool of increasing practical interest. The book begins with an overview of the generalized integral transform technique that contrasts this approach with classical analytical ideas. The classical integral transform technique is then briefly reviewed. The remainder of the book is devoted to G.I.T.T. and considers diffusion-convection problems with variable equation coefficients in general functional form, situations of variable coefficients in boundary conditions, problems with variable boundaries, classes of problems with difficult auxiliary eigen value-type problems, and analysis of nonlinear diffusion-convection problems through this hybrid approach. Many applications are presented, including transient fin analysis with time-dependent surface dissipation, laminar-forced convection inside externally finned tubes, heat conduction with ablation in finite media, transient analysis of radiating fins, and boundary layer equations. Integral Transforms in Computational Heat and Fluid Flow will interest mechanical engineers in heat transfer and fluid dynamics, as well as researchers and librarians in this area.
-- CRC Press
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Spectral Methods
Spectral and High Order Methods for Partial Differential Equations : Proceedings of the Icosahom 89 Conference Villa Olmo, Como (Italy 26-29 June 19)
Claudio Canuto, Alfio Quarteroni (Editor)
Elsevier Science Ltd, 1990
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Spectral Methods in Fluid Dynamics
Springer Series in Computational Physics
C. Canuto, M. Y. Hussaini, A. Quarteroni and T. A. Zang
Springer-Verlag, 1988
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This textbook presents the modern unified theory of spectral methods and their implementation in the numerical analysis of partial differential equations occuring in fluid dynamical problems of transition, turbulence, and aerodynamics. It provides the engineer with the tools and guidance necessary to apply the methods successfully, and it furnishes the mathematician with a comprehensive, rigorous theory of the subject. All of the essential components of spectral algorithms currently employed for large-scale computations in fluid mechanics are described in detail. Some specific applications are linear stability, boundary layer calculations, direct simulations of transition and turbulence, and compressible Euler equations. The authors also present complete algorithms for Poisson's equation, linear hyperbolic systems, the advection diffusion equation,isotropic turbulence, and boundary layer transition. Some recent developments stressed in the book are iterative techniques (including the spectral multigrid method), spectral shock-fitting algorithms, and spectral multidomain methods. The book addresses graduate students and researchers in fluid dynamics and applied mathematics as well as engineers working on problems of practical importance.
-- Springer-Verlag
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Vortex Element Methods
Vortex Element Methods for Fluid Dynamic - Analysis of Engineering Systems
Cambridge Engine Technology Series
R. I. Lewis
Cambridge University Press, 1991
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Panel methods employing surface distributions of source and vortex singularities based on the solution of boundary integral equations have been extensively used for modeling external and internal aerodynamic flows. Part 1 describes the surface vorticity method and illustrates applications of this technique over a wide range of engineering problems in aerodynamics and turbomachines, including lifting aerofoils and cascades, mixed-flow and rotating cascades for fans, pumps or turbines, meridional flows in turbomachines, flow past axisymmetric bodies, ducts and ducted propellers or fans. Part 2 extends surface vorticity modeling to the fairly new CFM field of vortex dynamics or vortex cloud theory. Methods are developed, again from first principles, to deal with shear layers, boundary layers, periodic wakes, bluff-body flows, cascades and aerofoils including the use of stall control spoilers. A number of useful computer programs are included.
-- Cambridge University Press
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Parallel Methods
Parallel Computational Fluid Dynamics: Implementations and Results
Scientific and Engineering Computation
Horst D. Simon (Editor)
The MIT Press, 1992
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Parallel Computational Fluid Dynamics '91 : Proceedings
K.G. Reinsch, W. Schmidt, A. Ecer, J. Hauser and J. Periaux (Editors)
Elsevier Science Publishers, 1991
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Finite Difference Techniques For Vectorized Fluid Dynamic Calculations
David L. Book (Editor)
Springer-Verlag, 1981
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Other Topics
Mathematical Topics in Fluid Mechanics : Incompressible Models
Oxford Lecture Series in Mathematics and Its Applications, 3
Pierre-Louis Lions
Clarendon Press, 1996
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One of the most challenging topics in applied mathematics is the development of the theory of nonlinear partial different equations. Many problems in mechanics, geometry, and probability lead to such equations when formulated in mathematical terms. Yet despite a long history of contributions, no core theory has been formulated. Written by the winner of the 1994 Fields Medal, this outstanding two-volume work helps shed new light on this important topic. Volume 1 emphasizes the mathematical analysis of incompressible models. After recalling the fundamental description of Newtonian fluids, a profound and self-contained study of both the classical Navier-Stokes equations (including the in homogeneous case) and the Euler equations is given. Results about the existence and regularity of solutions are presented with complete proofs. The text highlights in particular the use of modern analytical tools and methods, and it indicates many open problems. Mathematical Topics in Fluid Mechanics will be an indispensable reference for every researcher in the field. Its topicality and the clear, concise presentations by the author make it an outstanding contribution to the great theoretical problems concerning mathematical modelling of physical phenomena.
-- Clarendon Press
Elliptic Marching Methods and Domain Decomposition (Symbolic and Numeric Computation)
Patrick J. Roache
CRC Press, 1995
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One of the first things a student of partial differential equations learns is that it is impossible to solve elliptic equations by spatial marching. This new book describes how to do exactly that, providing a powerful tool for solving problems in fluid dynamics, heat transfer, electrostatics, and other fields characterized by discretized partial differential equations. Elliptic Marching Methods and Domain Decomposition demonstrates how to handle numerical instabilities (i.e., limitations on the size of the problem) that appear when one tries to solve these discretized equations with marching methods. The book also shows how marching methods can be superior to multigrid and pre-conditioned conjugate gradient (PCG) methods, particularly when used in the context of multiprocessor parallel computers. Techniques for using domain decomposition together with marching methods are detailed, clearly illustrating the benefits of these techniques for applications in engineering, applied mathematics, and the physical sciences.
-- CRC Press
High Accuracy Non-Centered Compact Difference Schemes for Fluid Dynamics Applications
Andrei I. Tolstykh
World Scientific, 1994
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Compact difference schemes yield higher-order accurate differences on compact molecules. For example, the CUD-3 scheme gives third-order accuracy for the finite-difference representation of du/dx using a three-point molecule, thus requiring only a tri-diagonal inversion.
-- World Scientific
Numerical Methods for Grid Equations
A. A. Samarskii, Evgenii S. Nikolaev
Birkhauser, 1989
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The authors' (both in computational math, U. of Moscow) substantially revised and augmented lecture notes of 1961-1977. The set is devoted to the solution of differential equations arising in mathematical physics, and provides necessary foundations for a thorough understanding of techniques developed recently. In particular, they stress the development of numerical methods for solving the systems of linear equations that arise from finite-difference approaches to this problem. The book presents the general theory of linear difference equations and describes algorithms for solving systems with scalar and block tri- and pentadiagonal matrices. They also present the general theory of iterative methods which forms the basis for the construction and analysis of algorithms for solving general linear and nonlinear difference equations. Some of the methods considered are: the Chebyshev semi-iterative method, conjugate-direction methods, and methods based on matrix splittings such as SOR and Gauss-Seidel. The book includes many examples that apply these methods to the solution of specific equations. Translated from the Russian edition of 1978 by Stephen G. Nash.
-- Book News, Inc. Portland, Or.
Pressure methods for the Numerical Solution of Free Surface Fluid Flows
U. Bulgarelli, V. Casulli, D. Greenspan
Pineridge Press, UK, 1984
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Numerical Methods in Fluid Mechanics, Second Edition
Springer Series in Computational Physics
Maurice Holt
Springer-Verlag, 1984
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From the reviews of the first edition: 'This book is directed to graduate students and research workers interested in the numerical solution of problems of fluid dynamics, primarily those arising in high speed flow. ...The book is well arranged, logically presented and well illustrated. It contains several FORTRAN programs with which students could experiment ... It is a practical book, with emphasis on methods and their implementation. It is an excellent text for the fruitful research area it covers, and is highly recommended'. Journal of Fluid Mechanics #1 From the reviews of the second edition: 'The arrangement of chapters in the book remains practically the same as that in the first edition (1977), except for the inclusion of Glimm's method ... This book is highly recommended for both graduate students and researchers.' Applied Mechanics Reviews #1
-- Springer-Verlag
Numerische Stroemungsmechanik
B. Noll
Springer Velag, 1993
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Numerische Berechnungsverfahren zur Simulation von Strömungen stellen ein wichtiges Instrument zur Gestaltung von strömungsführenden Anordnungen dar. Das Buch führt in das Gebiet der numerischen Strömungssimulation ein. Ein Schwerpunkt liegt auf der Anwendung der Diskretisierungsmethode der Finiten Volumen zur Berechnung von Unterschallströmungen; dabei wird der Erörterung von Konsistenz und Genauigkeit der Diskretisierung weiter Raum eingeräumt. Einen weiteren Schwerpunkt bilden die Grundlagen zur Lösung von mehreren, gekoppelten großen algebraischen Gleichungssystemen. Alle angesprochenen Themenkreise werden in Beispielen und Illustrationen in möglichst einfacher Weise und anhand verschiedener Problemstellungen veranschaulicht. Dem Leser werden das Basiswissen und die Begriffe vermittelt, die für die eigene Anwendung und Entwicklung von Rechhenprogrammen aber auch für die Beurteilung von Rechenergebnissen anderer erforderlich sind.
-- Springer-Verlag
A Numerical Library In C For Scientists And Engineers
H. T. Lau
CRC Press, Inc., 1995
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This extensive library of computer programs-written in C language-allows readers to solve numerical problems in areas of linear algebra, ordinary and partial differential equations, optimization, parameter estimation, and special functions of mathematical physics. The library is based on NUMAL, the program assemblage developed and used at the Centre for Mathematics and Computer Science in Amsterdam, one of the world's leading research centers. The important characteristic of the library is its modular structure. Because it is highly compact, it is well-suited for use on personal computers. The library offers the expert a prodigious collection of procedures for implementing numerical methods. The novice can experiment with the worked examples provided and use the more comprehensive procedures to perform mathematical computations. The library provides a powerful research tool for computer scientists, engineers, and applied mathematicians.
-- CRC Press
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