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Turbulence Modeling
Dynamic Multilevel Methods and the Numerical Simulation of Turbulence
Thierry Dubois, Francois Jauberteau, Roger Teman and Roger Temam
Cambridge University Press, 1999
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This book describes the implementation of multilevel methods for the numerical simulation of turbulent flows. The general ideas for the algorithms presented stem from dynamical systems theory and are based on the decomposition of the unknown function into two or more arrays corresponding to different scales in the Fourier space. Chapters also describe the mathematical theory of the Navier-Stokes equations and the physics of the conventional theory of turbulence. The implementation issues are discussed in detail and numerical simulations of the flows are presented and analyzed. The methods have been applied in the context of the direct numerical simulation and are therefore compared to such simulations.
-- Cambridge University Press
Turbulence Modelling for CFD
David C. Wilcox
DCW Industries, 1998
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Book and disk included.
Simulation and Modelling of Turbulent Flows
Icase/Larc Series in Computational Science and Engineering
Thomas B. Gatski, M. Yousuff Hussaini and John L. Lumley (Editors)
Oxford University Press, 1996
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Fundamental aspects of incompressible and compressible turbulent flows, direct numerical simulation of turbulent flows, large eddy simulation, introduction to renormalization group modeling of turbulence, modeling of turbulent transport equations, and an introduction to single-point closure methodology.
Direct and Large-Eddy Simulation I
Selected Papers from the First Ercoftac Workshop on Direct and Large-Eddy Simulation
Peter R. Voke, Leonhard Kleiser, Jean-Pierre Chollet (Editor)
Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1994
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Selected papers from the First ERCOFTAC (European Research Community on Flow, Turbulence and Combustion) Workshop are arranged in sections that cover structures from simulations; subgrid-scale modeling; stratified and atmospheric flows; transition; complex geometries; and compressible, reacting and thermal flows. Among the specific topics: large-scale structures in the turbulent flow near a right-angled corner; direct and large eddy simulations of round jets; numerical simulation of breaking gravity waves below a critical level; and numerical simulation of turbulent flow over a wavy boundary. No index.
-- Book News, Inc. Portland, Or.
Direct and Large-Eddy Simulation II
Proceedings of the Ercoftac Workshop Held in Grenoble, France, 16-19 September 1996
Jean-Pierre Chollet (Editor), Peter R. Voke (Editor), Leonhard Kleiser
Kluwer Academic Publishing
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Progress in the numerical simulation of turbulence has been rapid in the 1990s. New techniques both for the numerical approximation of the Navier--Stokes equations and for the subgrid-scale models used in large-eddy simulation have emerged and are being widely applied for both fundamental and applied engineering studies, along with novel ideas for the performance and use of simulation for compressible, chemically reacting and transitional flows. This collection of papers from the second ERCOFTAC Workshop on Direct and Large-Eddy Simulation, held in Grenoble in September 1996, presents the key research being undertaken in Europe and Japan on these topics. Describing in detail the ambitious use of DNS for fundamental studies and of LES for complex flows of potential and actual engineering importance, this volume will be of interest to all researchers active in the area.
-- Kluwer Academic Publishing
Reports recent developments in the direct numerical simulation and large-eddy simulation of turbulence from Europe and Japan. The 40 papers cover jets, sub-grid models and homogeneous turbulence, separated flows and transition, thermal and compressible flows, wall flows and channel flows, complex flows, reacting flows, combustion, and flow past a square cylinder as a test case for large-eddy simulation 2. Among the specific topics are amplified frequencies in the proximal region of a circular jet, the self-consistency of the Smagorinsky constant and the value of the Rotta parameter at high Reynolds numbers, the large-eddy simulation of separated boundary layer transition, pressure and dilatation effects in high-speed turbulence, the mechanism of attenuation of turbulence by spanwise wall oscillation, non-unique solutions in turbulent curved pipe flow, extending the dynamic modelling procedure to turbulent reacting flows, and the large-eddy simulation of flow past a square cylinder using embedded meshes. No index.
-- Book News, Inc., Portland, Or.
New Tools in Turbulence Modelling
Les Houches School, May 21-31, 1996
Olivier Metais, Joel Ferziger (Editors)
Springer-Verlag, 1996
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Numerical large-eddy simulation techniques are booming at present and will have a decisive impact on industrial modeling and flow control. The book represents the general framework in physical and spectral space. It also gives the recent subgrid-scale models. Topics treated include compressible turbulence research, turbulent combustion, acoustic predictions, vortex dynamics in non-trivial geometries, flows in nuclear reactors and problems in atmospheric and geophysical sciences. The book addresses numerical analysts, physicists, and engineers.
-- Springer-Verlag
Numerical Simulation of Unsteady Flows, Transition to Turbulence
W. Rodi, O. Pironneau, A. M. Savill, T. V. Truong, Inge L. Ryhming (Editors)
Cambridge University Press, 1992
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This volume represents the findings of the first test cases considered by ERCOFTAC. The workshop, held in Lausanne, Switzerland, in 1990, studied five test cases: boundary layer in an S-shaped duct; periodic array of cylinders; transition in a boundary layer under the influence of free-stream turbulence; predictions of an axisymmetric jet flow in a diverging duct; and predictions of the turbulent flow in an axisymmetric geometric configuration. These cases represented the interests of both the academic and industrial groups in determining the limits of various models and codes to predict real problems supported by experimental data. The articles summarize the work of each group and point to refinements and further study to perfect the models.
-- Cambridge University Press
Engineering Turbulence Modelling and Experiments
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Engineering Turbulence Modelling and Measurements
Wolfgang Rodi (Editor)
Elsevier Science, 1990
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Engineering Turbulence Modelling and Experiments - 2
Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Engineering Turbulence Modelling And Measurements
Wolfgang Rodi, F. Martelli
Elsevier Science, 1993
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Engineering Turbulence Modelling and Experiments 3
Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Engineering Turbulence Modelling and Measurements
G. Bergeles, Wolfgang Rodi (Editor)
Elsevier Science, 1996
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Proceedings of the May 1996 symposium. Presents 86 papers which emphasize engineering-related problems in turbulence modelling. Topics include issues in modelling non-equilibrium and unsteady turbulent flows, recent advances in large-eddy simulations, turbulence simulation in the Japanese automotive industry, particle image velocimetry applied to microstructures in turbulent flows, local characteristics of impinging round jets, conditionally averaged flow equations to model by-pass transition, modelling of compressible boundary layer flows over rough surfaces, the influence of the film- cooling channel geometry on the jet-mixing, and 3D numerical simulation and measurement of strongly swirling heavy dust-laden flow inside a cyclone separator. No index.
-- Book News, Inc., Portland, Or.
Analysis of the K-Epsilon Turbulence Model
Research in Applied Mathematics
B. Mohammadi, O. Pironneau (Editor)
John Wiley & Sons, 1994
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Aimed at applied mathematicians interested in the numerical simulation of turbulent flows. Centered around the k- model, it also deals with other models such as one equation models, subgrid scale models and Reynolds Stress models. Presents the k- method for turbulence in a language familiar to applied mathematicians, but has none of the technicalities of turbulence theory.
-- John Wiley & Sons
Transport Phenomena in Turbulent Flows : Theory, Experiment, and Numerical Simulation
Proceedings of the International Symposia on Transport Phenomena
N. Kasagi, Masaru Hirata (Editor)
Hemisphere Publishing Corporation, 1988
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Lectures in Mathematical Models of Turbulence
B.E.Launder and D.B.Spalding
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