Investigation of Steel Cleanliness during Ingot Teeming
B.G. Thomas, L. Zhang, B. Rietow, K. Eakin
Ingot Metallurgy Forum
Inclusions trapped during bottom-poured static-cast ingots lead to quality problems in the final product. Computational models of transient, multiphase fluid flow in this process are being developed and applied to improve understanding of inclusion transport and capture. Process parameters, such as teeming rate and runner geometry are being optimized. Plant experiments to measure inclusion locations, refractory wear, and other relevant phenomena are being conducted for additional insight and model validation.
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Zhang, L., B.G. Thomas, X. Wang, and K. Cai “Evaluation And Control Of Steel Cleanliness - A Review “, 85th Steelmaking Conference Proceedings, ISS-AIME, Warrendale, PA, 2002 pp. 431-452. Click here for a PDF version. (280 KB)
Zhang, L., B.G. Thomas, and K. Cai, "Evaluation and Control of Steel Cleanliness - Review," in Continuous Casting VOl. 10, Tundish Operations, Iron and Steel Society, Warrendale, PA, 2003, pp. 303-321 (reprinted from 85th Steelmaking Conference Proceedings, Nashville, TN, March 10-13, 2002, ISS, Vol. 85, 2002, pp. 431-452.)
Zhang, L., and B.G. Thomas, "State of the Art in Evaluation and Control of Steel Cleanliness," ISIJ International, Vol. 43, No. 3, 2003, pp. 271-291.
Zhang, Lifeng and Brian G. Thomas, "Literature Review: Inclusions in Steel Ingot Casting", Report to Ingot Metallurgy Forum, June 30, 2003, pp. 1-82.
Zhang, L., B. Rietow, & B. G. Thomas, "Investigation of Ingot Inclusions Using Microscope and SEM", Report to Ingot Metallurgy Forum, May 4, 2004.
Zhang, L., B. Rietow, and B.G. Thomas, “Morphology and Composition of Inclusions in a 28 Inch Square Ingot”, Ingot Metallurgy Forum Winter Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA, Jan. 20, 2005.
Zhang, L., B. Rietow, B.G. Thomas, K. Eakin, and D.Q. Baird, “Investigation of Steel Cleanliness during Ingot Teeming”, Final Report to Ingot Metallurgy Forum, Canton, OH, Nov. 2, 2005.
Zhang, L., B. Rietow, B.G. Thomas, and K. Eakin, “Large Inclusions in Plain-Carbon Steel Ingots Cast by Bottom Teeming” ISIJ International, Vol. 46, No. 5, 2006; pp.670-679. Click here for a PDF version. (2.5 MB)
Zhang, L., and B.G. Thomas, “State of the Art in the Control of Inclusions during Steel Ingot Casting”, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B, Vol. 37B, No. 5, (Oct.) 2006, pp. 733-761. Click here for a PDF version. (1.2 MB)